Download Save Me from Myself How I Found God Quit Korn Kicked Drugs and Lived to Tell My Story edition by Brian Welch Religion Spirituality eBooks

The amazing true story of an out-of-control rock star, his devastating addiction to drugs, and his miraculous redemption through Jesus Christ.
In February 2005, more than ten thousand people in Bakersfield, California, watched as Brian "Head" Welch—the former lead guitarist of the controversial rock band Korn—was saved by Jesus Christ. The event set off a media frenzy as observers from around the world sought to understand what led this rock star out of the darkness and into the light.
Now, in this courageous memoir, Head talks for the first time about his shocking embrace of God and the tumultuous decade that led him into the arms of Jesus Christ. Offering a backstage pass to his time with Korn, Head tells the inside story of his years in the band and explains how his rock star lifestyle resulted in an all-consuming addiction to methamphetamines. Writing openly about the tour bus mayhem of Ozzfest and The Family Values tour, he provides a candid look at how the routine of recording, traveling, and partying placed him in a cycle of addiction that he could not break on his own.
Speaking honestly about his addiction, Head details his struggles with the drug that ultimately led him to seek a higher power. Despite his numerous attempts to free himself from meth, nothing—not even the birth of his daughter—could spur him to kick it for good. Here Head addresses how, with the help of God, he emerged from his dangerous lifestyle and found a path that was not only right for his daughter, it was right for him.
Discussing the chaotic end to his time in Korn and how his newfound faith has influenced his relationship with his daughter, his life, and his music, Head describes the challenging but rewarding events of the last two years, exposing the truth about how his moments of doubt and his hardships have only deepened his faith.
Candid, compelling, and inspirational, Save Me from Myself is a rock 'n' roll journey unlike any other.
Download Save Me from Myself How I Found God Quit Korn Kicked Drugs and Lived to Tell My Story edition by Brian Welch Religion Spirituality eBooks
"I decided to read this book after it was recommended on Goodreads and Amazon multiple times. I honestly never listened to Korn or knew anything about the band or Brian Welch. But I remembered he became a Christian and had struggled with drug addiction. I actually really enjoyed this book. It definitely shows you the dark side of the music business and touring. I particularly liked that Mr. Welch was attending a church similar to what I'm familiar with so I related to speaking in tongues and demons. Excellent book for Christians, especially those of us who aren't "perfect" Christians."
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Tags : Save Me from Myself How I Found God, Quit Korn, Kicked Drugs, and Lived to Tell My Story - edition by Brian Welch. Religion Spirituality eBooks @ .,ebook,Brian Welch,Save Me from Myself How I Found God, Quit Korn, Kicked Drugs, and Lived to Tell My Story,HarperOne,Christianity - General,Composers Musicians,Substance Abuse Addictions - General,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Music,Biography,Biography Autobiography,Biography Autobiography/Personal Memoirs,Biography Autobiography/Religious,Biography / Autobiography,Biography/Autobiography,Biography arts entertainment,CHRISTIAN LIFE,Christian converts - United States,Christianity - General,Composers Musicians,Composers Musicians - General,DRUG ADDICTION (PSYCHIATRIC ASPECTS),GENERAL,General Adult,Guitarists,Guitarists - United States,Guitarists;United States;Biography.,Korn (Musical group),Korn; religion; finding god; Brian Welch; brian head welch; saved; saved by god; jesus Christ; saved by jesus Christ; rock memoirs; memoirs about finding god; faith; inspirational memoirs; inspirational books; christian; biography; autobiography; rock star memoirs,Methamphetamine abuse,Methamphetamine abuse - United States,Methamphetamine abuse;Patients;United States;Biography.,Music,Non-Fiction,Patients,Personal Memoirs,RELIGION / Christianity / General,ROCK MUSIC,Religion/Christian Living - Personal Memoirs,Religious,Rock musicians,Rock musicians - United States,Rock musicians;United States;Biography.,SELF-HELP / Substance Abuse Addictions / General,Substance Abuse Addictions - General,United States,Welch, Brian,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Music,Biography Autobiography/Personal Memoirs,Biography Autobiography/Religious,Composers Musicians - General,Personal Memoirs,RELIGION / Christianity / General,Religion/Christian Living - Personal Memoirs,Religious,SELF-HELP / Substance Abuse Addictions / General,RELIGION Christianity / General,SELF-HELP Substance Abuse Addictions / General,Biography / Autobiography,Drug Addiction (Psychiatric Aspects),Rock Music,Biography,Guitarists,Methamphetamine abuse,Patients,Rock musicians,United States,Biography Autobiography,Biography/Autobiography,Biography arts entertainment,Music
Save Me from Myself How I Found God Quit Korn Kicked Drugs and Lived to Tell My Story edition by Brian Welch Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews :
Save Me from Myself How I Found God Quit Korn Kicked Drugs and Lived to Tell My Story edition by Brian Welch Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews
- I came to this book in a roundabout way. I was looking at videos on YouTube about tattoos as I have several tats and I always like to see the work of different studios and the types of art folks choose to put on their bodies. When I came to one titled "Brian Welch of Korn Gets Tattooed", I had to have a look at this wild-looking long-haired guy. He told a bit of his story to the artist and I was intrigued, so I looked up more information on him.
I am not a Heavy Metal fan. It gets on my nerves and gives me a headache. My musical tastes run to folk rock, bluegrass, blues and various music from other countries.I liked Van Halen in my younger years, but by today's standards I do not consider that to be true Heavy Metal. I remember hearing of Korn in the 90's but couldn't tell you a single song I knew by them. The more videos I watched of Brian and his conversion the more I realized how far away I have gotten from my Christian upbringing. I was saturated in it - Christian school where they really liked scaring us kids with films and stories about the end of time and church every Sunday and Wednesday. I was an awkward kid and was bullied a lot; subsequently I rebelled in my adolescence with drugs and drinking which continued up into my mid 20's with the drugs and into my 40s with the drinking. And horrible relationships with men always left me devastated so I have found myself at age 51 jaded and bitter. I've been Buddhist, Sufi, Wiccan and others to varying degrees, seeking peace and understanding that I could never find. Anyhow, Brian Welch's story moved me, touched a place inside me that made me realize I truly want to be a better person.
I ordered this book and read it. All the things he had done during his heyday with Korn are all things that I have either been a part of myself or witnessed others doing. He is unflinchingly honest about his responsibility in his undertakings and blames no one but himself, which is a very hard thing to do. He came to Jesus without pressure from so-called Bible thumpers, just gentle urging from some Christians he knew when he reached out to them himself, wanting what they had. His journey to Christ was fraught with doubts and insecurities and it took awhile to wean himself off Meth but by God's grace he was eventually able to do so. I've never done Meth but I have researched a lot about the devastating toll it takes on users and their families, so for Brain to be able to kick it truly is a miracle, as it so addictive that one can be hooked after one use.
This man chose God and his daughter over money and fame and drugs, at at a fairly younger age than most troubled rock stars even begin to realize something's wrong. I have listened to some of his new music that's more spiritual and I honestly still do not care for the sound, but if he can reach those who do enjoy this type of music, if he can touch their souls, then it has my blessing. He has walked the walk and I for one am more inspired by him than I ever was by the hypocrites at the school I attended as a child. I think his faith is stronger than theirs will ever be.
A note about his writing some have complained in their reviews that it is poorly written. This is not true. No, it is not a masterpiece of literature nor was it intended as such. He does get his point across in what I find to be a well-spoken manner. He is so enthusiastic about his newfound life that he reminds me a bit of the late Steve Irwin who gushed in a childlike glee over snakes, crocodiles and other dangerous reptiles. This is not meant as an insult. I find it refreshing to see someone so excited about his relationship with Christ. Yes it is a bit childlike. but he was as a child since he was born again! I also appreciate that he shared both his "honeymoon phase" with Christianity and his dark nights of the soul when the novelty wore off.
Well done autobiography. - My 26 yr old son has been an addict since his early teens. Music has been a source of great enjoyment and comfort to him over the years, both listening and playing. He is in jail currently, so I have been trying to bring him books written by recovering addicts that he can relate to. He really loved this one! After his cellmate reads it, the book will be donated to the jail. Hopefully other inmates with similar struggles can find some hope through this story.
- Heavy - Excellent, hard to put down. Im not a big reader, and I blazed through this book. Im a fair Korn fan (not fanatic, but enjoy their concerts / cds), and have recently returned to a focus on Christianity. I couldnt put it down. Its deep and well written, with a mix of wild rock and roll life stories, substance / life addictions, depression, the story of Korn, and a deep search for life's meaning, along with an exploration of the true point of religion and Christianity. This is real and down to earth, and not for the country club christian, nor the nieve / innocent, nor those who just want to feel better. Its for real people who have struggled, asked the hard questions, made their share of mistakes, and/or struggled with faith. Its also for those who want to see real change, and understand real Christianity rather than feel good at the dog and pony show. The first half / 2/3rds is more the life story, korns story, and struggles. Its pretty raw. There is a young adult friendly version of this book which might be better for those who arent as familiar with the darker parts of the rock and roll / addiction lifestyle. The later part is not just about him coming to Christ, but also a deep exploration of what that means and doesnt mean, how his faith was strenghtened and deepened, and what leading a life for Christ is all about, through both good times and trials. Will an athiest enjoy this book - yes. Will a beginning Christan enjoy this book - yes. Will someone struggling with (any) addiction enjoy this book - probably, but likely only if they are truely interested in change. Will this book cause change? It will certainly grease the wheels and plant some seeds. It definitely teaches you some lessons you never got in sunday school. Well Done!
- This is an inspiring story that I'm sure was very difficult to write. It shows that even in the depths of our sin, God still relentlessly pursues us to show us that He's crazy about us! There's nothing you can do that God hasn't seen, nothing you can say that God hasn't heard. He loves you unconditionally even when you feel that you can't even love yourself. This is a true story of God's redemptive grace and His limitless passion to have a relationship with each of us.
- I decided to read this book after it was recommended on Goodreads and multiple times. I honestly never listened to Korn or knew anything about the band or Brian Welch. But I remembered he became a Christian and had struggled with drug addiction. I actually really enjoyed this book. It definitely shows you the dark side of the music business and touring. I particularly liked that Mr. Welch was attending a church similar to what I'm familiar with so I related to speaking in tongues and demons. Excellent book for Christians, especially those of us who aren't "perfect" Christians.
- I always have respect for famous people who take a stand for Jesus and share their story. This book gets a little bogged down in some parts but it's a great example of how much our Father will fight for us to find our place in His plan and how patient He is with us! Great testimony! Thanks for sharing in a way that anyone can understand how to find life and balance and faith.