Download Understanding Your Toddler A MonthByMonth Development Activity Guide For Playing With Your Toddler From One to Three Years Ayelet Marinovich 9781732132924 Books

If you've ever wished for a step-by-step guide to supporting your toddler's development... Distilled, research-based developmental information paired with simple activities to play with your toddler on a month-by-month basis, guiding you and your child through toddlerhood. There's no such thing as a "how-to-parent" guide - but this book comes close… the much anticipated follow-up to “Understanding Your Baby,†“Understanding Your Toddler†is a rare gem that helps parents feel informed. Learn how to "think outside the box" when it comes to play - the information and activities in "Understanding Your Toddler" break down developmental concepts and offer simple, quick play activities to help parents and caregivers feel that they're "winning" at parenthood! Toddlerhood is often marked by the need for independence, a short attention span, difficulty with transitions, and a desire to explore everything. Finding quality, age-appropriate resources to guide your toddler’s learning can be difficult, and feeling satisfied with the amount of time you’re able to truly be present with your child is a constant challenge. "These simple activities build fun and learning into what we’re already doing, which makes both me AND my toddler happy!"-- Carrie Clark, M.A., CCC-SLP, mother of two and founder of The SLP SolutionIn this age of parenting, we feel enormous pressure (both societal and self-imposed) to “get it right†when it comes to raising young children, and each of us has felt, at one point or another, that we’re “doing it wrong.†Pediatric speech-language pathologist, parent educator, and mother of two young children, Ayelet Marinovich, is the creator of the early parenting resources at Strength In Words. She believes that parenthood is easier when we have resources we trust. We all want to do everything we can to support our toddlers, and, ultimately, to raise good human beings. There’s a way to find joy in the mayhem, and it’s a mixture of science of art. When we feel empowered with knowledge about how our toddlers develop (and how we can support that development), we feel more confident as parents and caregivers, and we’re able to connect in more ways with our toddlers. Understanding Your Toddler offers an enrichment curriculum for parents and caregivers of toddlers, with 50 bite-sized "modules" of palatable, research-based developmental information and simple, enriching activities to support your toddler's development in the areas of cognitive, communicative, motor, and social/emotional development. Month by month, learn along with your growing, changing child!YOU'LL LEARN + All about what your toddler is likely to be working on in the areas of cognitive, communicative, motor/sensory, and social/emotional development + Simple, practical ways to support those areas of development - finding new ways to think about materials you already have (everyday objects in your home) to infuse more play, communication, music, and movement into your everyday experiences+ How to let your toddler guide her own learning, maximizing your time together by coming up with simple, creative ways to quickly organize play materials to support all areas of your toddler’s development+ How to help your child communicate to reduce negative behavior and minimize (everyone’s) frustration + The developmental basis for simple activities you may already be doing - helping to reaffirm what you already know and do innately, and helping to boost your likelihood to keep doing them!
Download Understanding Your Toddler A MonthByMonth Development Activity Guide For Playing With Your Toddler From One to Three Years Ayelet Marinovich 9781732132924 Books
"As an Early Intervention Speech-Language Pathologist for 7 years, I'm always on the hunt for resources for my families (and myself!). Ayalet has delivered with "Understanding Your Toddler" and shares research-backed information in an approachable, breathable way. It's so easy to get caught up in the "I need to be doing something more! What am I missing? What proof is in the pudding that this is something that will enrich, support, supplement, encourage, identify, calm, and empower?!?" Just like caregivers frequently do double and triple duty, this book provides (1) informative developmental guidelines (2) ideas for implementation (not just facts! "how-to's"!) and (3)support and encouragement to use what you already have. I'm eager to share this with my caseload of 20+ families, and would encourage this for any parent or professional looking to gain fun, new (or reinforced!) ideas to maximize time with their toddler."
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Tags : Understanding Your Toddler A Month-By-Month Development Activity Guide For Playing With Your Toddler From One to Three Years [Ayelet Marinovich] on . If you've ever wished for a step-by-step guide to supporting your toddler's development... Distilled,Ayelet Marinovich,Understanding Your Toddler A Month-By-Month Development Activity Guide For Playing With Your Toddler From One to Three Years,Strength In Words LLC,1732132925,Family Relationships / Babysitting, Day Care Child Care,Family Relationships / Life Stages / Infants Toddlers
Understanding Your Toddler A MonthByMonth Development Activity Guide For Playing With Your Toddler From One to Three Years Ayelet Marinovich 9781732132924 Books Reviews :
Understanding Your Toddler A MonthByMonth Development Activity Guide For Playing With Your Toddler From One to Three Years Ayelet Marinovich 9781732132924 Books Reviews
- One of the challenges of being a parent to a toddler is managing the ‘chaos’ while not allowing it to suck you into its vortex. A toddler is a powerful thing. And if you’re not careful, he can take you down with everything else he pulls off the shelf. I spent 10 joyful years as a classroom teacher shaping young adults. But when I became a father who was in charge of caring for our son during the day, I was a fish out of the water. My heart was there, but my hands didn’t know what to do.
The internet is surely not short of support in this matter. In my search to tame this wild beast before me and keep me from having a terrible no good bad day, hunting I did go. But my wife and I weren’t sure our budget could afford (nor thought we needed) the ‘promoted’ material, and our child actions didn’t seem to match the one dutifully sitting at the table threading a disc….we tried. He’d rather see what each did while flying through the air. More importantly, as a high school teacher, I learned real quick that students don’t like worksheets (that’s toddler speak for flash cards). They want to experience the world around them…in 3D. That’s what I wanted to share with my son. While also getting the floors swept, taking care of the laundry, washing the car, shopping for groceries, etc.
That’s what Ayelet is helping me with…. “Simplification†and the means for me to provide my son with “high-quality interactions and opportunities to engage with the worldâ€. Most of all, for me personally over this last month (and I think this is probably the secret sauce that other books and blogs DON’T provide), is that she has helped me see more clearly that “we are already engaging in the kinds of activities that can make a huge impact on our toddler’s development….we already have the material we needâ€. Ayelet's words ring true for me; Pinterest can be helpful and fun, but we can’t forget that “it’s the experience of words, objects, people, and ideas in a variety of contexts, settings, and environments that support your child’s learning.†Ayelet helps you understand and know ways to do so.
For me, it’s what Ayelet says early on that captures the essence and source of help she’s been for me “It’s the way [toddlers] are able to play, the words that are used around them, the musicality of those experiences, and the movement of their bodies that supports†your child’s later learning. What she says next is where I struggle and she comes through like none other that I’ve read “As adults, we often have a difficult time connecting these things.†I was comfortable in the classroom. But the home is not a classroom and neither is a toddler a young adult. And Ayelet has been helping me, not just navigate these uncharted waters but also enjoy the journey, as she puts it, “so you can move together through the years of toddlerhood.â€
That’s the support Ayelet’s well-researched material provides here. Natural ways to support how toddlers learn—“through interactions with us and with the objects in their environment.†Daniel and I carry laundry from one side of the hall to the other or go find a box we can get into and out of. We flick the light on and off, making funny faces when he turns it on, freezing when it’s off. We also go outside to stack rocks or see which is the heaviest rock we can throw, or transfer water from one bucket to another and back again….and again…and again. And can I tell you that trips to Target are no longer a rat race of getting in and out quickly so this little volcano doesn’t erupt? With him, I might narrate the process of what’s happening. If we witness “big feelings†in others, I’ll make comments to him and predictions about what might be going on, “That boy is jumping up and down. I think he found a favorite toy!â€
Play, Talk, Sing, Move. Those are the ingredients, the four pillars she provides. The book guides you month by month ‘for learning about your child’s development and what you can do to support it…that require little to no materials.’
Since starting to read and apply the suggestions in this book, time with my son has been enriched. If you want to feel confident that you are supporting all areas of your toddler’s development, and doing it well, I encourage you to read this book.
I do want to say that I took the opportunity to receive an advance copy of this book. And so happy that I did. - Are toddlers really the bewildering creatures everyone says they are? Does this have to be the hardest three years of my life? All I know is that I’ve been waiting for this resource since my son turned one, and now that it’s here as he’s about to turn two, I’m so grateful! As his brain keeps leaping ahead, I find myself in constant flux of awe and annoyance, but reading this book has given me a lot of demystifying strategies that have increased my “Wow!†moments and some useful perspective for my “OMG!†ones.
This book provides three years worth of fantastic examples of positive, empathetic, budget friendly (you already have everything you need in your own home!) parenting wins through the wonderful world of play. It is perfect for parents, nannies, and therapists alike.
As both a stay at home mom and speech-language pathologist, and I cannot recommend this book enough. It provides an outstanding and accessible month-by-month guide to supporting your toddler through a basic four-part framework of Play, Talk, Sing, and Move, giving you the caregiver an easily digestible nugget of evidence-based methods for interacting with your toddler through this seeming mine field of development. I appreciate how easy it is to move through as a guide, so you can pick out activities that meet your toddler where he or she is, and it explains when and why you may be seeing a particular behavior or new skill emerge. Even though it is organized by month, I think the framework gives you the flexibility to create opportunities based on what your child or client needs to be supported in their own development.
Two “lessons†have really resonated with me. I found two different approaches to tackling challenging behaviors very illuminating and reassuring. Each provided a practical approach (easy to make social stories) and a shame-free way to respond to throwing (the little scientist at work, performing experiments to see how the outcome changes in different contexts). These recommendations helped me change up the ways we had previously been tackling these issues to meet his new cognitive level. Additionally the Heavy Work concepts have also given me the courage to say “YES!†to activities I may have otherwise shied away from, like letting my son carry a bag of groceries in. Who knew that would spark so much joy by creating an opportunity for him to get one of his needs met? And it was free!
This book has also helped me be a better play partner with my son instead of a constant director, which has been so much more fun for us both!
I’ll be giving this book and its companion, Understanding Your Baby, to every expecting mom I know and recommending it to anyone who ever asks for quality resources for their family! - As an Early Intervention Speech-Language Pathologist for 7 years, I'm always on the hunt for resources for my families (and myself!). Ayalet has delivered with "Understanding Your Toddler" and shares research-backed information in an approachable, breathable way. It's so easy to get caught up in the "I need to be doing something more! What am I missing? What proof is in the pudding that this is something that will enrich, support, supplement, encourage, identify, calm, and empower?!?" Just like caregivers frequently do double and triple duty, this book provides (1) informative developmental guidelines (2) ideas for implementation (not just facts! "how-to's"!) and (3)support and encouragement to use what you already have. I'm eager to share this with my caseload of 20+ families, and would encourage this for any parent or professional looking to gain fun, new (or reinforced!) ideas to maximize time with their toddler.