Download Rick and Bubba Guide to the Almost Nearly Perfect Marriage Rick Burgess Bill Bubba Bussey 9781401603991 Books

The only thing funnier than marriage is Rick and Bubba talkin' about it!
Rick and Bubba are at it again, and this time it is all about marriage. Addressing such topics as apologizing (The Ten Worst Ways to Say I’m Sorry), communication (Grunting Is Not a Language), date nights (Worst Date Nights in History), finances (I Thought You Paid the Gas Bill), and playing sports together (I Did Too Let You Win), the two "sexiest fat men alive" will have couples everywhere tied in knots. With stories, top ten lists, and even a bonus addendum of their oft mentioned, "The Book of Blame," this humorous look at marriage is long overdue. This book will revolutionize your way of looking at married life. And it might just remind you all over again why you fell in love in the first place.
Download Rick and Bubba Guide to the Almost Nearly Perfect Marriage Rick Burgess Bill Bubba Bussey 9781401603991 Books
"This book was requested by my 27 year old son who was married in June. He read it (probably the first book he ever read all the way through) and had his wife to be read it. They both related that it was very helpful and informative and are still married one week later!"
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Tags : Rick and Bubba's Guide to the Almost Nearly Perfect Marriage [Rick Burgess, Bill Bubba Bussey] on . <strong>The only thing funnier than marriage is Rick and Bubba talkin' about it!</strong> Rick and Bubba are at it again,Rick Burgess, Bill Bubba Bussey,Rick and Bubba's Guide to the Almost Nearly Perfect Marriage,Thomas Nelson,1401603998,Marriage,Marriage;Humor.,FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS / Marriage Long-Term Relationships,Family Relationships,Family Relationships/Marriage Long Term Relationships,Family/Marriage,GENERAL,General Adult,Humor,Humor / Topic / Marriage Family,Humour,INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS,Marriage Long Term Relationships,Non-Fiction,SATIRE AND HUMOR,TOPICAL / Christian Interest,Topic - Marriage Family,United States
Rick and Bubba Guide to the Almost Nearly Perfect Marriage Rick Burgess Bill Bubba Bussey 9781401603991 Books Reviews :
Rick and Bubba Guide to the Almost Nearly Perfect Marriage Rick Burgess Bill Bubba Bussey 9781401603991 Books Reviews
- There are as many solutions for a troubled marriage as there are books on the subject. However, Rick and Bubba have contained in this one work, the secrets to a lasting and happy marriage trust in God, and unconditional love of your spouse. Definitely a must for all Christian couples, engaged pairs, and even single men and women wondering where to go for a dream marriage. Their faith and love for their wives shines through each page.
- I started reading this book the day I received it in the mail and finished it by that night!!
I absolutely loved it! It's a hilarious book, but it also made me really think about things my husband
and I can do to make our marriage better and stronger. I recommend this to everyone, whether you're single,
married, or in a relationship. - bought this for my boyfriend , he is a rick and bubba fan and has most of their books .
- This book was requested by my 27 year old son who was married in June. He read it (probably the first book he ever read all the way through) and had his wife to be read it. They both related that it was very helpful and informative and are still married one week later!
- but it is a wonderful insight into what make a marriage "almost nearly" perfect. Being a long-time listener to The Rick & Bubba Show, I've heard most of the anecdotes in this book, but they still make me laugh. It's lighthearted, but there is a vein of seriousness running just below the laughter. No marriage is perfect, but with a few of the hints from the boys, yours can be almost nearly!
- Good Information
- Rick and Bubba always deliver and this book is no exception. The CD (included with the book) by itself is worth the price. Always funny - because their stories hit so close to home.
- A must for all couple getting married, as well as those of us couples, who have some water under the bridge.