Ebook Running Wild The Men from Battle Ridge edition by Linda Howard Linda Jones Romance eBooks

By Jared Hunter on Wednesday 15 May 2019

Ebook Running Wild The Men from Battle Ridge edition by Linda Howard Linda Jones Romance eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 1721 KB
  • Print Length 402 pages
  • Publisher Ballantine Books (November 27, 2012)
  • Publication Date November 27, 2012
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Running Wild The Men from Battle Ridge edition by Linda Howard Linda Jones Romance eBooks Reviews

  • I'd rate this book a solid 4 1/2. It turned out to be unexpectedly good, really good, despite some negative reviews.

    This is not a mystery so there is no complicated twists and surprises. The reader knows from the start who the bad guy is and what he's trying to do. Same thing for the heroine. The real draw of the story here is to see how the main characters evolve from being a world apart to becoming a team, a family. There is some psychological suspense. It's a classic stalker story, better than most, in a western setting and with a good character study mixed in. Both the main characters and the secondary characters are well fleshed out and interesting. The little town of Battle Ridge as well as the life on the ranch are well developed so they become real to the reader, without drawn out, boring descriptions.

    Overall, the story is well-written, with healthy doses of humor. The story develops naturally and logically, it doesn't feel rushed or too short (which happens often nowadays). I just read it a second time with great pleasure!

    I'm wondering though, as this seems to be the first book in 'The Men from Battle Ridge' series, why there still hasn't been a second book in this series...
  • This is a well-written stalker suspense story with a strong, determined heroine, and a hard-working, goodhearted (and sexy) hero. Carlin and Zeke are both likable characters whose relationship develops when they’re thrown together out of need. Zeke needs a cook/housekeeper to keep the home fires burning and to feed his cowboys during the busy ranch season, and Carlin needs a safe place to hide out for a couple of months until she has to hit the road on the run again. The Wyoming ranch is a great setting for romance. The villain is a truly evil, and crazy as well, making him very, very dangerous.

    There’s humor and lots of heart-warming moments, excellent heat between Carlin and Zeke, and more than a few truly tense, edge-of-your-seat scenes. I enjoyed it very much.
  • This romance novel moved too slowly for my taste. Also, there is no mystery at all. In fact, the story is very predictable. From very early on, you know pretty much exactly what's going to happen. There literally wasn't a single plot twist or surprise that I can remember. And the only action/suspense doesn't take place until near the end, so the majority of the story revolves around the development of the romantic relationship between the heroine and her cowboy hero. I prefer more action and less predictability. Linda Howard is a very talented writer though, so I won't rule out reading more from her.
  • Carlin is running for her life. A man's obsession has her off the grid. Stopping in Battle Ridge was suppose to be very brief, but the opportunity to hide on a ranch in the middle of nowhere was to good to pass up. Now she has a reason to stay, she's in love with Zeke Decker, the owner of the ranch. Zeke will do anything to keep her, even kill the man who wants her dead. On pins and needles with my stomach caught in my throat, an excellent suspense romance.
  • This story is mostly very good, but the resolution hinges on a minor supporting character being a ridiculously nosy so-and-so who makes some fairly ridiculous assumptions and the author acting like they (the assumptions) are not only perfectly reasonable but also the only real conclusion this person should or could have come to. The author does this on a fairly regular basis in her books, though, so it's not that far out of the normal way of her stories. Overall, very enjoyable.
  • Ms. Howard is one of my favorites. I have also read some of Ms. Jones books. The circumstance in this story unfortunately happens in real life all to often. I had a friend in this situation, but she lost her struggle. Carlin is "running wild" from a former want to be boyfriend stalker. She ends up working for Zeke as a cook/housekeeper on his ranch in Battle Ridge. She insists the job is temporary because she has to move on come spring. She thinks she will be off grid and safe during the winter at the ranch. Zeke knows something is wrong because Carlin is spooked, always looking over her shoulder, and demands he "LOCK" every entrance to the ranch house. Heroine finally tells hero the problem, naturally he wants to immediately "take care of the stalker", but she won't let him. He finally convinces her to let him teach her some self defense. The H/h were very likeable as were most of the surrounding characters. The villain was a nut case and got his due. I agree with one of the other reviewers; something was missing. Maybe the suspense wasn't as intense?? The best collaboration of Howard/Jones I've read is Blood Born and it was "great". After saying all the above, this is a good read and well worth your time. H/h had good chemistry; the story had good characters, drama, and a HEA. Good Reading!