» PDF Nowhere Near First Ultramarathon Adventures From The Back Of The Pack Cory Reese 9781537001807 Books
Jared Hunter on Wednesday, 1 May 2019
PDF Nowhere Near First Ultramarathon Adventures From The Back Of The Pack Cory Reese 9781537001807 Books

Product details - Paperback 238 pages
- Publisher CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (August 23, 2016)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1537001809

Nowhere Near First Ultramarathon Adventures From The Back Of The Pack Cory Reese 9781537001807 Books Reviews
- I absolutely loved this book! It is probably the best running memoir I have read. As a trail runner, it's easy to get discouraged reading things about and by the elites, but Cory's experience as a back of the pack runner is super relatable. This book is hilarious and inspiring. I highly recommend picking it up.
- Truly my favorite book ever. I have read Nowhere Near First countless times, and will download the audio book to listen to during long races. It makes me howl with laughter, sad at times, and always makes me want to get out and run. I made the leap from half-marathons to Ultra Marathons after reading this book, because Cory convinced me that I, too, could do it. I ran the Across The Years 48 hour race last year (and will again this year) solely because Cory made it sound so amazing. And it didn't disappoint. Cory is humble, self-deprecating, kind, insightful, and inspirational. I wish I lived closer so his awesomeness could rub off on me. Whether you run or not, Nowhere Near First is a worthy read.
- Humorous and insightful account of the joy, lessons, adventures, social network, healthy advantages psychologically well as physiologically ultrarunning affords. This is not an egocentric "all about me" book but rather a universal tale about how by the commitment of effort and getting in this game, we can all reap the reward of happiness. That is, it's an earned achievement of doing something hard and extraordinary
As an aging ultrarunner for over 33 years, I was very inspired by the theme
s articulated by this book. What hit home the most for me, was the point that while there may be winners (as these events are races), but almost everyone involved is pulling for each participant in their own struggle of endurance to the last finisher and everyone in between. Also, along with all the adventures afforded by ultrarunning, I have found no better group of people to be with from all walks of life with the shared interest in doing something so positively wonderful in so many ways. This book reminded me of this. - Two years ago I began running with the goal of a completing 1 mile. Fast forward to this year, I purchased Cory’s book prior to running my first ultra (50 miles). Nowhere Near First is hands down one of the most helpful pieces of reading I did while preparing. By sharing his stories he answered so many questions I had about training, race day preparation and what to expect mentally. I had read a lot of other books written by elite athletes and I had a hard time relating. That is the best part of Cory’s story is that he is constantly challenging himself, even when it’s hard. He also doesn’t sugar coat what it feels like to go through really long events and suffering. Suffering is part of the process and he embraces it. Every chapter is like its own story and it flows extremely well. If you start small, even with 1 mile, running an ultra can be possible. Cory’s book continues to inspire me to challenge myself to see what my limits are. I will continue to go back to his book as a reference as I train for my first international trail race and a 100K in 2018.
- I read ultrarunning books for motivation as I go farther in my training. Generally it works well. There is some demotivation in this one. The author gives us details about race day issues to avoid, and some other practical knowledge. His bragging about how nerdy he is can get a little tedious, and his frequent remarks about how much pain he is in makes a case for avoidance of the whole thing. However, his determination is impressive and a common theme among back-of-the-packers and elites alike. I would recommend other books before this one, but I'm glad I read it.
- Loved reading this book. As a runner, much like the title of this book, I'm Nowhere Near First in almost every case. I do find myself however at times taking it entirely too seriously. Sure I want to push myself to see what I'm capable of, but I want to enjoy it too. Cory's book reminded me to not lose sight of that side of things, to slow down and enjoy the smell of the orchards (near my house) when running in spring, to take a look at the amazing sunsets and sunrises I encounter when I've dragged myself out there early in the morning or after a hard day of work, and so on. Not only do I run to be physically healthy, but also to be mentally healthy and a more balanced person for myself, my kids, my job, my friends, my life. Cory helped me bring that perspective back ~ even though before reading the book I wouldn't have said I'd lost it. I had. I became a much more avid runner because of some major setbacks in life (although nothing like Cory's story), but it was so nice to be able to connect with Cory's story of using running to overcome our fears and limitations and to do things we'd never have dreamed ourselves capable of doing. I'm running my 8th marathon in a few weeks. I'd nearly stopped training for this one because it had gone so miserably this time around. I'm actually looking forward to it now ~ not because my race time will be anything special, but because I'm blessed to be able to do it at all. Thanks Cory for the reminder.
- When I read any George Sheehan book I probably highlight 50 or more passages. I highlighted maybe 5 passages in this book. Still, those 5 insights were helpful to me as a runner. This isn't a George Sheehan kind of book. It is a collection of stories about running 100 mile races, or on some occasions, 100 miles "just for fun." Really incredible.
The author is totally unassuming about his accomplishments as an ultra runner. He seems like a really great guy.