Ebook Computer and Internet Use on Campus A Legal Guide to Issues of Intellectual Property Free Speech and Privacy Constance S Hawke 9780787955168 Books

"A comprehensive, well-written, interesting, and informative guide to technology and Internet use on campus. Everyone--from administrators who oversee and manage computer networks, to faculty interested in distance learning, to student affairs officials trying to understand alleged infractions by students, to college attorneys seeking to understand the law--will find this book enormously helpful. Well chosen vignettes and examples, along with a list of recommendations and guidelines, help make this complicated arena of university life and law accessible to administrators, faculty, and attorneys working in it."--Barbara Lee, dean, School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University
"An easy-to-use and cost-effective resource designed to educate faculty and administrators about the legal issues surrounding the use of information resources and the Internet on campus. As the chief information officer of a large public research university, I have encountered many of the situations described in this useful guide. It is full of recommendations and references. Highly recommended."--Jack McCredie, associate vice chancellor, Information Systems Technology, and chief information officer, University of California, Berkeley
"Anyone looking for a complete overview of the legal and ethical challenges of computer and Internet use on campus will be impressed and amazed by the breadth and depth of this book. It offers an in-depth consideration of legal issues and includes practical, accurate advice for educators and policymakers."--Rodney J. Petersen, director of policy and planning and Project NEThics(sm), University of Maryland
"At a time when distance learning is being embraced by many institutions, Dr. Hawke provides a comprehensive yet concise overview of the legal issues surrounding Internet and computer use and includes valuable suggestions for university administrators who deal with those issues."--Dale L. Cook, Summit Professor for Learning Techn
Ebook Computer and Internet Use on Campus A Legal Guide to Issues of Intellectual Property Free Speech and Privacy Constance S Hawke 9780787955168 Books
"Constance Hawke alleviates the confusion pertaining to the internet and security issues that are prevelant as our society becomes more reliant on the use of computers to spread information. Her work was enjoyed by the entire class."
Product details

Tags : Computer and Internet Use on Campus A Legal Guide to Issues of Intellectual Property, Free Speech, and Privacy [Constance S. Hawke] on . A comprehensive, well-written, interesting, and informative guide to technology and Internet use on campus. Everyone--from administrators who oversee and manage computer networks,Constance S. Hawke,Computer and Internet Use on Campus A Legal Guide to Issues of Intellectual Property, Free Speech, and Privacy,Jossey-Bass,0787955167,Intellectual Property - General,College students;Legal status, laws, etc.;United States.,Computer networks;Law and legislation;United States.,Computers;Law and legislation;United States.,College students,Computer Networks,Computers,Computers Technology,Computers / Internet / General,EDUCATION / General,Education,Education / Computers Technology,Education / Teaching,Educational resources technology,Higher Education (Specific Aspects),Internet,Internet - General,Law / Intellectual Property / General,Law and legislation,Legal status, laws, etc.,Pädagogik / Bildungswesen,Taxation,United States
Computer and Internet Use on Campus A Legal Guide to Issues of Intellectual Property Free Speech and Privacy Constance S Hawke 9780787955168 Books Reviews :
Computer and Internet Use on Campus A Legal Guide to Issues of Intellectual Property Free Speech and Privacy Constance S Hawke 9780787955168 Books Reviews
- Constance Hawke alleviates the confusion pertaining to the internet and security issues that are prevelant as our society becomes more reliant on the use of computers to spread information. Her work was enjoyed by the entire class.