Download PDF Tender with a Twist Rainbow Cove Volume 2 Annabeth Albert Books

One kinky wood carver. One younger chef looking to try new things. A series of lessons that bring both men more than they bargained for… Curtis Hunt has made a name for himself as a chainsaw wood carver, winning national competitions and operating a small business in Rainbow Cove, Oregon. As winter whittles away his tourist traffic, his goal is just to survive the season and try to not get lost in grief for his dead lover. It’s been two years, but he’s sure he’ll never be over the love of a lifetime. However, his body has a certain restlessness that he doesn’t quite know how to calm. Logan Rosner knows a thing or two about restlessness. It’s what drove him to Rainbow Cove to be a chef at a bar and grill run by his friends. And it’s what drives him to a single sizzling encounter with the local legendary lumberjack. Both men get far more than they expected and learn that first impressions aren’t always accurate… But when Logan proposes a series of sexy lessons, Curtis must decide how much he’s willing to risk. He knows he can’t afford to get attached to Logan’s good cooking, his easy smiles, or his caretaking, but he keeps going back for more, even as deeper emotions become involved. Soon, Curtis must decide whether to risk his heart again or risk losing Logan for good. Tender with a Twist is a 79,000 word stand-alone gay romance with a May/December theme, featuring a second chance at love, opposites attract, loads of sexy times with mild BDSM elements, and one emotionally-charged, guaranteed happy ending with no cliffhangers.
Download PDF Tender with a Twist Rainbow Cove Volume 2 Annabeth Albert Books
"*4.5 stars*
I'm a total Annabeth Albert fangirl, and I can't resist a single one of her stories, but if you present me to me KINKY LUMBERJACKS, you know I'm in!
I seem to be really drawn to dead first love stories, as morbid as that sounds. Some of my favorite books have this theme, though if it isn't done right, it really hinders the connection between the MCs of the story. Tender with a Twist struck just the right balance between honoring and showing respect for the first love while allowing room for another love to grow. That's a difficult thing to do, and I think Annabeth Albert managed it very well.
Pain isn't at all my kink, but I've liked pain kink books in the past. Ropes and impact play I feel "meh" about, but I liked it all here. I didn't quite find it as sexy as some others, but I liked the dynamics of the scenes, especially because I have a thing for muscle bottoms and smaller tops (YUM!!). And an age gap... just YESSSSSSS!
My one big complaint with the story was the absolutely insufferable parental figures. I wanted nothing to do with any of them, and I sort of hated their intrusion in the story at all.
This book was totally satisfying, with a romance that grew from similar interests, attraction, and extreme reluctance into something really believable and strong. I trusted Annabeth Albert to take me there and she did!"
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Tags : Tender with a Twist (Rainbow Cove) (Volume 2) (9781977854438) Annabeth Albert Books,Annabeth Albert,Tender with a Twist (Rainbow Cove) (Volume 2),CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1977854435,Romance - Lgbt - Gay,FICTION / Romance / LGBT / Gay,Fiction,Fiction-Gay,PRINT ON DEMAND,Romance/General,FICTION / Romance / Gay
Tender with a Twist Rainbow Cove Volume 2 Annabeth Albert Books Reviews :
Tender with a Twist Rainbow Cove Volume 2 Annabeth Albert Books Reviews
- I have read a dozen of Annabeth Albert's previous books and enjoyed them all. Tender with a Twist is a whole new level. The main characters are very opposite--young, coddled, urban chef and older, grief-stricken, small town artist. Logan wants to be a Dom but doesn't look the part. Curtis wants pain but no strings and has lost his source for that. When they grudgingly connect, magic happens. They both try to ignore it but they are drawn to each other. Their relationship is rather backwards--starting with kinky activities and moving from there, but that works for them.
Curtis tries to get Logan to just give him the pain and orgasms without any aftercare but Logan refuses. I love how Logan refuses to let Curtis get away with controlling what happens between them and Curtis has to give up that control. Logan has some unique ways of giving Curtis the pain he wants without injuring him. They don't 'instinctively' know what the other wants (as is often portrayed in BDSM books) but they are in tune with each other enough to learn quickly. They support each other outside of the bedroom and listen to each other's dreams and concerns. I was very impressed with how believable they progressed in their relationship.
If I have a criticism of this book it would be that the supporting characters are so vehement in their disapproval of this relationship. Logan's parents and Curtis' mother-in-law are so negative and pushy about trying to keep them apart I was shocked. I can't imagine saying those things to one of my adult children, even if I didn't approve of the relationship. I thought both Curtis and Logan were way too passive with the way they allowed this behavior. Sadly, I know that there are families who think they should have some say in who their kids get involved with, but these characters were very pushy. Even the guys' friends were not very supportive.
Even so, this did not stop me from loving this book. Very well-written BDSM romance with unique, memorable characters. Definitely on my re-read list. - Curtis has been mourning the death of his husband for almost two years. He's closed off from just about everyone and everything in his life except maybe his mother-in-law and high school friend. Life goes on. But for Curtis it is completely moving on in dull shades of gray. When he meets Logan he's not the least bit interested, but Logan's "no-nonsense" demeanor does catch his attention.
Logan brings the color and life back to Curtis. Logan is upbeat, optimistic, forward thinking and planning....he is like rays of warm sunshine in Curtis's life. This author portrays this so perfectly. The guys get it on and it's HOT. But when they connect emotionally, Curtis starts to wake up from his half-life. And there's no other way to say it it's so beautiful, it will warm your heart. You can read this as a stand alone, but honestly you will want to start with book one of this series, "Trust with a Chaser." That is Nash and Mason's story. And while I'm at it, check out her series 'Perfect Harmony.' I read that series a long time ago and I STILL remember the characters and plots vividly, they are that good. - *4.5 stars*
I'm a total Annabeth Albert fangirl, and I can't resist a single one of her stories, but if you present me to me KINKY LUMBERJACKS, you know I'm in!
I seem to be really drawn to dead first love stories, as morbid as that sounds. Some of my favorite books have this theme, though if it isn't done right, it really hinders the connection between the MCs of the story. Tender with a Twist struck just the right balance between honoring and showing respect for the first love while allowing room for another love to grow. That's a difficult thing to do, and I think Annabeth Albert managed it very well.
Pain isn't at all my kink, but I've liked pain kink books in the past. Ropes and impact play I feel "meh" about, but I liked it all here. I didn't quite find it as sexy as some others, but I liked the dynamics of the scenes, especially because I have a thing for muscle bottoms and smaller tops (YUM!!). And an age gap... just YESSSSSSS!
My one big complaint with the story was the absolutely insufferable parental figures. I wanted nothing to do with any of them, and I sort of hated their intrusion in the story at all.
This book was totally satisfying, with a romance that grew from similar interests, attraction, and extreme reluctance into something really believable and strong. I trusted Annabeth Albert to take me there and she did! - A solid read - as I've come to depend on with this author. The characters were strong - and the BDSM was suitably kinky with enough safety and caution thrown in not to irritate those whose SSC battle cries ring out in the review land. She did a good job assuring the power dynamic was clear w/o trying too hard to make the less likely character a Dom by virtue of words -- you could feel it between them. I appreciate the POV of a masochist more than I can say - not everything is about humiliation and being on your knees. Articulating the pain response is tough as many people don't really understand this kink and the more clinical parts of it. Yes you have to talk about what type of pain, how much, etc. It is decidedly unsexy at times but there are safety concerns and not all pain is the same. I LOVED the flogger scene as I have a very nice elk hide flogger with long thick falls that is very thuddy so when one similar showed up here I dragged mine out just to remember how it felt - and now I'm going to find someone to use it on me! Been a while...
- I’m a sucker for all of the tropes in this book, but I wasnt sure what is think about the kink. But Albert does an excellent job of building up the psychology behind what her lovers want and crave to be fulfilled and it made perfect sense. Logan’s parents drove me nuts, Curtis’s friends made me shake my fists, but these two together were perfect and I loved watching them overcome their fears and obstacles together. Looking forward to the next installment of Rainbow Cove!