Read Audrey Hepburn 2013 Faces Square 12X12 Wall Browntrout Publishers 9781421601083 Books

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Audrey Hepburn 2013 Faces Square 12X12 Wall Browntrout Publishers 9781421601083 Books Reviews
- This is just what my daughter wanted! She loves Audrey Hepburn and has a calendar from last year with the same front photo, but the inside pictures are different.
- I love this calendar!! There are some beautiful pictures of Audrey Hepburn... If you love her you will love this calendar!
- Everyone needs a calendar, and this one was a nice gift for someone who admires Ms. Hepburn. She is beautiful in body and in spirit. A real class act, and the calendar is a nice way to keep her in mind.
- I purchased this for my sister-in-law as part of her stocking stuffer and she loved it. I would recommmend this to a friend.
- For several years, I have purchased the annual Audrey Hepburn Calendar that is published by Graphique de France. Unable to find that particular Audrey Hepburn Wall Calendar for 2013 so settled for this one.
- Who does not love Audrey Hepburn??? This is a great calender with reference to many of Audrey hepburns best movies.
- Lovely pictures of a lovely woman! The calendar made a great Christmas gift for my sister, who is a big fan.